I am looking to buy a pocket-sized GPS. I would love to try this. I love the outdoors and it would be like a treasure hunt. Thanks for the link!!
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
Something fun to do in your spare time: Geo Caching
by Elsewhere ini tried it for the first time this weekend and had a blast!
to do this you need a hand-held gps device and a compass.
go to the web site below and enter your zip code and it will give you a list of nearby caches with their corresponding gps coordinates (latitude and longitude).
Is There Any JW Belief That You Still Believe In?
by minimus inwould you have any qualms about taking blood??
do you believe in a paradise earth?
do you think there is only one "truth"?
White Waves
I changed my power of atty for health care and living will so I do accept blood and have representatives that will let me have it. Then, I mailed it to the hospitals I have been to and my doctors. I still can't give blood though, my excuse is I am afraid of needles. I believe in God and Jesus but not the way JWs teach. Definitely don't think there is only one true religion and the GB is the mediary.
OK Non-believers, time to put up or shut up...
by startingover inall you fellow non-believers, i know that title got you ready to go.
all your logical arguments were in hand ready to fire back.
sorry to disappoint you, but after that last go round with the believers i had to walk away from the computer.
White Waves
Amen, country girl! Don't waste your breath. In truth, if someone is going to change their minds on something like this, they almost need a life-altering experience. When it happens, then they'll start asking the questions. That is why I don't even bother talking to mormons or jws at the door--- they are all geared up to convert me at my door.
richie rich
by Miss_MG in.
i havent checked the forum for a while does anyone know how richie rich is going since his problem with the family?
White Waves
Do you mean one of those special talks where no names are mentioned but everyone knows anyways ? That is the kind or talk where if you don't know the who and why, you ask a bunch of questions afterwards .
White Waves
Sliding scale, like kid-A. Today would be an 8. Sunshine on a warm day always helps!
At what age did you start to notice that you were getting/looking "Old"?
by JH in.
we all get older every day, that's not my question, but at what age did you notice that you weren't able to do as much as when you were younger, or at what age did you start to see a different person in the mirror..and it didn't please you.
White Waves
33 was the year of reckoning. Weight gain became an issue so I had to eat healthier and less. Gray hair - I have red hair and dying it is hard to match. In fact, it is never the same color anymore. Otherwise, not so bad. I sure am happier on the inside and enjoy life more actively now. It helps to hang out with people older than me...then I feel so young!
Now Im PISSED off
by Es infor those who read my topic the other day bout the old jw friend who texted me.
well i received the package today with a little note congragulating me on my wedding and pregnancy.. anyway down the bottom is a ps...spoke to your mum the other day she misses blake alot.......... now i have never stopped them from seeing blake nor speaking to him, and now they are telling people in the congregation things like that..... im so angry that they are playing the vicitm card here.
White Waves
I can relate! My parents tell my non-jw family they call me on my cell (only phone I have) and I just don't call back. They say it hurts their feelings, being out of my life. Oh, and they email me too. That pissed me off. I showed my aunt my cell records - SURPRIZE! no calls. Now the JW family openly admits they are shunning me to draw me back to Jehovah and tell my non-jw relative they are the reason I am still out because they refused to shun me too. They lie more that the non-jws I know. It makes me sick. I am out of the jws and still defending myself against them. If they really miss Blake, they can see him but you do not need to feel any responsibility for their choices. He is their flesh and blood and if they choose not to be a part of his life now it is really their loss. Hopefully, they will change their minds.
How many are leaving JW?
by poodlehead ini would like to know if anyone has found any data to this affect.
the watchtower publishes how many are baptized each year.
and how many active members.
White Waves
Our KH was losing so many publishers that the territory kept getting reduced. They had to give portions to neighboring KHs. But, the JWs in the former territory were to still attend the same KH. Then, the elders got in trouble with the CO for counting everyone at the meeting in attendance records and not posting it on the announcement board. The MS's had been instructed to even count babies! Apparently and MS had a conscience matter on this and approached the CO in service for advice. Well, suffice to say, that MS took hell from the presiding overseer for ages. Actually, I don't think he even goes to that KH anymore. How long after you are inactive (AKA not turning in service time) before you aren't counted as a publisher of the congregation? I didn't turn in time for over a year and I was still counted. Found that out when mommy and the COs wife dropped by to say "HI." I had to move 2 hrs away to get away from the elder irritation so I suppose I am not counted now because I am out of their territory.
My "Unexpected Lunch Date Surprise" --or, Blow me down!
by LDH inok, the homemade chicken noodle soup is cooking so i have about ten minutes to share something with you.. ****fake name/family relationships alert*** critical info has been changed to protect the innocent.
i called a business contact that i've gotten to know over the past year today.
i said, "rico, let's go to lunch.".
White Waves
Typical JW better-than-you-ares!! I actually feel sorry for him. Why did he feel any need to contribute at all!! Especially after she told him he still wasn't good enough to associate with. Was it the "I prayed to Jehovah" line or what?? The day a JW would pay for something for me, especially a vacation!! Now this JW can comment at the KH about Jehovah answering her prayer through a non-JW. This woman should be ashamed of herself. She couldn't ask fellow Jdubs for the $$$?
my one thousand post is dedicated to SICK OF LIES
by johnny cip ini want to thank "sick of lies" for having more balls.
than only a hand full of posters here.
he truely showed on tape that these so called elders.
White Waves
Maybe they are just really really big?? Seriously, the tapes show just how it is. I couldn't hear the JC meeting tape but for any who have not experienced an elder or the behind-the-scenes JW action, this has got to be a huge eye-opener. I have tried to explain the s*** they pull but couldn't get it across. I played the tapes to my boyfriend and he freaked out.